Click to download pdf of Saturday’s Map  

SATURDAY – JULY 29, 2017
Waukon to Waterville – 15.0 miles
Waterville to Yellow River State Forest – 8.8 miles
Yellow River State Forest to Harpers Ferry – 7.4 miles
Harpers Ferry to Lansing – 13.6 miles
(Note: There is no meeting day on this final day)

Total Mileage:  44.8 miles 

Total Feet of Climb: 3,200

Details: This will be the most beautiful RAGBRAI day is years and definitely for this year. L.T. will force everyone to rush through the day so we can get home before his bedtime. Plan to leave a little early, so we can enjoy this finale to RAGBRAI XLV.

Saturday RAGBRAI Route Map